My favorite thing to do right now is daydream about what our little girl will be like. I get so excited to have a little mini Bradley that I can snuggle and be with all day long. He makes it easy to imagine what it will be like when he does cute things like come out with his shirt inside out AND backwards, not realizing it all night :) He was of course the happiest, funniest little kid and I really hope we get one with his good heart.
I have a lot of feelings running through me right now, and the strongest one is how grateful I am to be doing this with Brad. He has been so sweet throughout this whole pregnancy giving me multiple foot massages (sometimes more than one a day), helping with dishes and laundry, tickling my back, adopting my sick eating habits (Bob's doughnuts and milk at midnight is our latest fav), telling me I'm "so pretty" all the time, bringing me flowers, cooking dinner, being genuinely excited about every little thing I can't wait to show him about the nursery or little baby clothes, singing Justin Bieber on the guitar to make me laugh and help me forget how miserable I feel, telling our baby how excited he is to see her, telling me what a good mom I'll be, and a million other things that I appreciate so much.
I can't wait to see how much this little girl loves him. She is so lucky to have him as her dad!
Here's to hoping she looks a little more like the pictures above... and a little less like this:
Haha, I love you Brad. Thanks for everything.